For me, Yoga is about learning how our inner and outer worlds are functioning, which inevitably leads to heart opening and joy. Yoga has become a daily practice, a sacred moment that I offer to myself every day. I love drop-backs at the end of the practice. I find them very liberating and stimulating. It’s about anchoring in the present moment and from there, everything is opening inside, starting from the heart !
I recently re-discovered Adho Mukha Vrksasana in a two hour workshop on Handstand with a circus artist and dancer (David Poznanter). After a preparation based on exercices to warm up the body, open the shoulders and align the spine, I literally felt lightness and effortlessness in the final posture, although the whole weight of my body was on the palms only. With the correct alignment of the body, I could feel comfort, stability and simplicity in the pose. Beautiful.
A correct practice of Adho Mukha Vrksasana can really reach some muscles that are normally difficult to activate just along the middle spine and brings you a feeling of freedom and intense streching. The posture make you understand the importance of total awareness from the fingers to the toes.
Maud Chuffart, together with her partner Ajit Tapaswi, is owning a brand called The Yoga House. They are both teaching at their Yoga House branch in Bombay.
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